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Viorel Simion

division:s light
record: W:22  L:7  D:0  KO:9
Win Ratio: 75.86%
KO: 31.03%
OCR: W:438 L:182 D:26
OCR Win-Ratio: 67.8%
Upset:  0
L upset:  0
 upset = underdog win and favorite odds *2 <= underdog odds
 record: as of 2022-02-05

bout data

5 matched

date odds* rslt rd division odds opponent
bout detail 2022-02-05 13.00 L: RTD 5/8 s light 1.03 Harlem Eubank United Kingdom
22 7 0 9, age:40
last 5: 1 4 0 0
12 0 0 4, orthodox, age:27
last 5: 5 0 0 2
bout detail 2021-08-14 12.20 L: RTD 4/8 s feather 1.04 Zelfa Barrett United Kingdom
22 6 0 9, age:39
last 5: 1 4 0 0
25 1 0 15, orthodox, age:28
last 5: 5 0 0 3
bout detail 2021-06-25 12.00 L: RTD 3/10 light 1.04 Gary Cully Ireland
22 5 0 9, age:39
last 5: 1 4 0 0
12 0 0 6, southpaw, age:25
last 5: 5 0 0 2
bout detail 2018-10-13 9.75 L: TKO 1/10 s feather 1.05 Shakur Stevenson USA
21 2 0 9, age:36
last 5: 4 1 0 2
8 0 0 4, southpaw, age:21
last 5: 5 0 0 3
bout detail 2017-04-29 13.00 L: UD 12/12 feather 1.04 Scott Quigg United Kingdom
21 1 0 9, age:35
last 5: 5 0 0 2
32 1 2 24, orthodox, age:28
last 5: 4 1 0 3


30 matched

date w l d rslt opponent w l d
2022-02-05 22 7 0 --:-- Harlem Eubank 12 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-08-14 22 6 0 L: RTD Zelfa Barrett 25 1 0
United Kingdom
2021-06-25 22 5 0 L: RTD Gary Cully 12 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-05-08 22 4 0 L: UD Samuel Molina 15 0 0
2020-10-08 22 3 0 L: RTD Denys Berinchyk 13 0 0
Ukraine WBO International Light Title
2019-04-27 21 3 0 W: UD Nika Kokashvili 19 20 1
2018-10-13 21 2 0 L: TKO Shakur Stevenson 8 0 0
2017-04-29 21 1 0 L: UD Scott Quigg 32 1 2
United Kingdom
2016-10-14 20 1 0 W: UD Andoni Gago 15 1 2
Romania IBF Inter-Continental Feather Title
2016-03-18 19 1 0 W: UD Alexander Miskirtchian 26 4 1
Romania vacant IBF Inter-Continental Feather Title
2015-08-28 18 1 0 W: TKO David Kis 10 18 2
Romania vacant WBF World Feather Title
2015-03-06 17 1 0 W: RTD Adnan Oezcoban 6 7 2
2014-05-16 16 1 0 W: UD Bakhtiyar Isgandarzada 9 3 0
2013-07-13 16 0 0 L: UD Lee Selby 15 1 0
United Kingdom WBC International Feather Title
2012-11-29 15 0 0 W: RTD Ryan Sermona 14 3 0
Romania WBC International Feather Title
2012-02-09 14 0 0 W: UD Edgar Riovalle 34 12 1
Romania WBC International Feather Title
2011-07-09 13 0 0 W: KO Jun Talape 21 7 1
Romania WBC International Feather Title
2011-03-19 12 0 0 W: SD Pedro Navarrete 26 10 3
2010-04-10 11 0 0 W: KO Victor Cardozo Coronel 11 4 1
2009-06-05 10 0 0 W: UD David Kiilu 30 9 2
Romania WBC Mediterranean Feather Title
2008-12-19 9 0 0 W: RTD Zsolt Nagy 12 4 0
Romania WBC Mediterranean Feather Title
2008-08-01 8 0 0 W: UD Abdul Tebazalwa 11 3 0
2008-04-19 7 0 0 W: UD Ruddy Encarnacion 18 11 2
Romania vacant WBC Mediterranean Feather Title
2007-09-28 6 0 0 W: TKO Euclides Espitia 20 9 1
2007-07-12 5 0 0 W: UD Fernando Guevara 8 15 0
2007-04-13 4 0 0 W: TKO Alfio Antonio Ruiz 10 4 2
2006-12-16 3 0 0 W: UD Karim Chakim 9 5 0
2006-11-11 2 0 0 W: UD Piotr Niesporek 1 12 1
2006-07-21 1 0 0 W: KO Akida Yazidu 5 2 1
2006-05-19 0 0 0 W: PTS Nikolai Mihailov 3 16 1